

About Prosthodontics

Flexible dentures are custom-made dental installations that rely on unique products to achieve a lessrigid design. These new kinds of dentures are popular for those who struggle with the conventional acrylicbase of dentures that may wear, irritate the gums, induce allergic reactions or generally fail to provide acomfortable result. Dentists and their patients are often interested in what these newer and more versatileproducts can do to better outfit those with a history of tooth decay or who need dental prosthesisto function or who want to avoid the discomfort due to the rigidity of the denture base.

Benefits of Flexible Dentures:-

Flexible dentures provide a solution for patients who can't or don't want to use regular dentures. The most obvious advantage is that they aren't brittle, so they're less likely to shatter if they're dropped. The British Association of Clinical Dental Technology lists some more benefits:

  • They cling to the gums and don't require denture adhesive or metal clasps to hold them in place.
  • The material is clear and allows the natural gum color to show through.
  • They don't take as long to manufacture as regular dentures.

A multi-specialty hospital located in Gaya, a bustling town and tourist spot of Bihar

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